![]() Happy Thanksgiving! Since the pandemic began, my team and I have been practicing Wellness Wednesday! We are not ritualistic, but we try to stay mindful about caring for ourselves both mentally and physically whilst adjusting to the work from home posture. As I was preparing to send my Happy Thanksgiving message to the team on this week's Wellness Wednesday, I decided to research how gratitude can affect wellness. Here are a few of things that gratitude can do for wellness.
So while you thought you were getting drowsy from the tryptophan in your turkey dinner, you may actually be full and rested from all the real thanksgiving (gratitude) that you’ve practiced during Thanksgiving. No matter what, I hope you have enjoyed taking a break this thanksgiving. Whether you celebrate the holiday or not, I hope that you were able to find somethings to be grateful for! Sincerely, Robin Robin Bryson Talmadge Host of the Strategic Motivator Show “Motivating the world’s leaders to be more strategic” https://www.strategicmotv8r.com Make sure to check out our latest offers Signature Story: https://bit.ly/3nVtzlO Networking Like a Boss: https://bit.ly/3pYGRjf Work with me: https://calendly.com/strategicmotv8r
I am excited about the year ahead. Why? As someone who is always talking about strategy, I encourage you to not just think about it but to be about it. Now that doesn't mean that you go out and get busy. Busy is the enemy of accomplishing things. I encourage you to map out a strategy. A strategy will ensure that your actions allow you to get somewhere or deliver something. I am excited about the year ahead because I have a strategy. How about you? Do you have a strategy? If not, don't let your great ideas die on the vine. Get a strategy. If you want help with your strategy go to our contact page and put in your information and put I NEED A STRATEGY in the comment section.
AuthorRobin Bryson Talmadge, Host of the Strategic Motivator Show, is on a mission to motivate the world’s leaders to be more strategic in business and in life. Through interviews, masterclasses and memberships you will gain strategies to ensure your success. ArchivesCategories |